Scripture Reading - 1 Timothy 2:1-4

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. KJV

The word of God is very clear on the subject of praying for those in authority. In United States of America we can substitute the word “presidents” for “kings”. Notice that verse 1 mentions that “first of all” we should take our position of priest for those in offices of authority. Although many people use these verses of scripture to call for prayer over our nation it mentions other biblical functions for the believer to employ. Like “supplication” which generally means to humbly approach our Father God with a well thought out written request according to His Holy Word. Since there are several types of prayers we will generally speak of this one as a non-written conversation you have with your Heavenly Father for the good of those in authority. These prayers should also be based upon God’s Word but they will generally flow from your heart of love as you seek the well being of our leaders. We will take a moment to emphasize that these verses are written for believers to supplicate, pray, intercede and give thanks for people in authority. This did not say pray for the good of the land or the blessing of the people of the nation. We must pray for those in authority to be saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ through an understanding of the knowledge of God’s truth. We must be ready to make intercession for those who are not in the family of God. If you believe a leader to be ungodly please, dear child of God, stand in the gap for their salvation. Many do not intercede for lost politicians they would rather be critical and complain about their actions and words. It is obvious that the Lord told us to give thanks to Him for the people in authority as noted in verse 1 so we must consider them a blessing to our nation. Yes, this requires a walk of faith but as children of faith this concept should not be too difficult to grasp. According to verse 2 if we do our part we can have a quiet and peaceable life. This does not mean those in authority will give you quietness and peace but rather this means you will keep your mouth closed about your leaders which will bring a peaceable lifestyle because you are acting godly. This is the lifestyle of an honest Christian because they are true (faithful) to God’s Word instead of rioting and clamoring about the things in government they disagree with. Behaving like the Lord Jesus Christ who never protested the Roman (or Jewish) authorities is pleasing to our Heavenly Father because He desperately craves for all men to be saved by knowing the truth of Jesus. Amen!